Gandhi Jayanti



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Till today, 6 out of 10 persons blame him for his actions and mistakes even if those people haven’t been a witness to the Salt March, The Satyagraha movement, Bhagat Singh’s death, Quit India Movement, Fast Imprisonments and many more such bravery evolutions took place under the leadership of him.

 Today, on the occasion of Mahatma Gandhi’s Jayanti, let’s hear some of his inspiring stories every teenager should be following in his life for making this world a better place to live in.

Mahatma Gandhi was also known as Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi or Bapu, was born on 2nd Oct 1869 at Porbander in Gujarat.


Gandhi was a child from a wealthy as well as a disciplinary family wherein his parents were very humble and of kind nature. During his childhood, at the age of 10-11 years, Gandhi Ji got addicted to consuming liquor, smoking, and eating meat even if he knew he was cheating his parents. The reason for the consumption he often told that he used to enjoy the smoke appearing unto his lips. At times, Gandhi Ji also felt bad for his kind and humble parents. He also felt afraid of god’s punishment to him but continued to do the same. After months and days consuming, he felt more shameful of himself as being born to humble parents like them. Instead of continuing his worst behavior, Gandhi Ji wrote a note to his father mentioning about all his misbehavior and not doing ever again, he promised himself for the same. On reading the note, his father shed some tears. Later, studying in foreign countries, Bapu never broke his promise unto death.

This quality of Bapu never back off from his promises made him an extraordinary human.


While traveling, Gandhi Ji used to carry all the essential things with him. To accompany him, his granddaughter used to join him on his way. On a routine basis, Bapu used to stop at his regular spot for cleaning off his feet with a stone. One day, as usual, Bapu stopped near his spot and asked his granddaughter to give him the stone. The small child forgot to put the stone in her sack while leaving. The child replied with negation and expected to spare her for that day. Instead, Gandhi Ji told her to run back to the house and get him the stone quickly. She returned with stone and Bapu cleaned off his feet for the day. Bapu was always firm with his disciplinary actions and strict behavior when it comes to laziness in work.

For he believed, ignorance of small mistakes often leads to bigger mistakes in life.


Bapu was loved by children. Once, in summers, a child visited his ashram, there he saw Bapu resting alone with his half-naked body wearing just a dhoti and a shawl over his neck. He asked Bapu, “Why don’t you wear shirts?” for which he replied, “I don’t have one”. The little boy came up with an idea that his mother stitches clothes and that he could offer one to him. On which Bapu said, “But I have many brothers and sisters and amongst them all only he cannot wear a shirt before them”. The child asked for how many shirts he could offer. To the child’s surprise, Bapu had replied him 40-crore of shirts. Indeed, Bapu always counted the whole nation as his family.

Thinking about his nation first was Bapu’s habit.


Along with children, everyone used to treat Gandhi Ji with affection and love. During his tours for collecting funds for The Charkha Sangh, once a poor old woman found her way through the crowd and went to meet Bapu in his house. She walked close to him and kept a copper coin gently with a shaky hand-on Bapu’s feet. Bapu smiled and showed enough gratitude towards the old woman while he picked up the coin and placed it away. Jamnalal Bajaj was in-charge of the funds and asked for the copper coin. Bapu refused and Jamnalal Bajaj laughingly said, “You won't trust with the copper coin. I keep cheques of worth crores of rupees.” On which, he replied, “This coin is worth more than a crore of rupees”.

Respect for his well-wisher was Bapu made a living out of.


One fine day, a householder walk past in his ashram. At that time, Bapu was watching his men doing the usual routine chores in the garden area. The householder enquired a young man stood near the gate about Gandhi Ji. The young man signaled the householder and directed him so correctly that he went straight to the Gandhi Ji and met him. Gandhi Ji greeted his guests and ensured them about his identity. On the way back, Bapu patted the young man’s back with a smile. Why did Bapu do this, because the young man was perfect with his responsibilities?

Bapu was fond of giving small appreciations and gestures to others with love.

By :- Janhavi Rane

   Thank you 

🇮🇳 Jai Hind 🇮🇳

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