World Vegan Day

 World Vegan Day 

We the humans from the beginning of our existence. We have been dependent on various resources available to us from nature as our food or to fulfill our needs. From then we have extracted various resources, we have hunted down animals and chopped off plants. Plants can be cultivated again but, The animal once gone cannot be brought to life again.

The group of people having the same thinking and prospective about saving the existence of dominated animals and to increase their number they started to practice the vegans day, by practicing this they started to avoid all food products made from animals and the materials obtained from exploitation of animals and stuffs prepared from the animal wax, skin, hairs, teeths, etc. They also started to introduce people about the replacement of such food stuff with veggies and aware people how they are important and how it will matter if we avoid the unnecessary killing of animals. From then every 1st November has been observed as World Vegan Day.

This World Vegan Day, We want to create the same awareness among people about that the race of animals kind is already on a great danger and they require our help for saving them so it is necessary that we all should at least skip or move on the vegetable alternative of the non-vegetarian food and should also prohibit the use of such products which are made from animals or are animals tested product. By taking such steps we can make a move towards a new era.

    Thank you 

🇮🇳 Jai Hind 🇮🇳

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